Mr Bardon worked for 20 years at IBM France and IBM Europe. His last position was at the headquarters of the European Direction in Paris. He was then appointed VicePresident at Gemplus, the world leader in Smart Cards, based in Marseille (1 billion euros in turnover and more than 11,000 people) before taking over the management of Watchdata for Europe, Middle East and Africa for 6 years (Chinese company, number 1 in Asia for SIM cards and connected objects and number 5 worldwide). He was the first European Manager of a Chinese company in France.
In 2011, he was appointed Sales Director for Northern, Eastern and Southern Europe at MCTel (Monaco) then Mr. Bardon founded and manages VotreCity Monaco, a territorial development agency which helps Governments and cities to develop through the installation of new technologies, the circular economy and recycling. VotreCity also HELPS decision-makers to SELECT, to INSTALL and to INTEGRATE the best Smart City solutions (energy, water, waste, transport, tourism, education, health, agriculture, security, infrastructure, port, airports, mines, etc.). VotreCity has developed a “unique” business model which makes it possible to duplicate validated solutions enabling countries to develop rapidly across the whole territories. VotreCity is also specialized in Cyber-security, and in the development of Mobile applications (secure mobile payment, secure smart phones and mobile marketing, etc.)
In the meantime, Mr Bardon has been a Consultant and Strategic Advisor for Hengbao (Beijing), Ubivelox (South Korea), ACS (Honk-Kong), NGSER (Ivory Coast), Digital People (Paris), and VIBE Smart Security International. LLC (USA).
Mr Bardon was also a speaker at the International Smart Card Show in Paris in 2010 and 2013 on M2M (Machine to Machine) strategies and also at the Shanghai Universal Exhibition in the French pavilion for sharing his experience of Multicultural management. He was also a speaker at the Smart City Conference in India (2016 and 2017), in South Korea (2016) then in 2017 at the Smart City fairs in New Delhi, Austin and Rio. In 2018, Mr Bardon was a VIP speaker to lead 2 conferences at the first Smart city fair in Africa (Smart Algiers) then in China (Tianjin and Dalian 2021) concerning the deployment of 5G and 6G networks at country level.
VotreCity is an active member of โโthe World Allianceโโ (Solar impulse team member) for protecting the planet (more than 2000 projects studied each year).
At the same time, Mr. Bardon has also been heavily involved in numerous sports projects. Former Swimming and Gymnastics athlete, Vice Champion of France University Rugby with the University of Bordeaux, Master Swimmer and Lifeguard, he prepared with Benjamin Bonnaud (double participant in the Olympic Games in Sailing and coach of the French Women’s Team – London 2012) and with Bertrand Cesvet (Head of the SID LEE Communication Agency, which is managing today Adidas, Red Bull, IKEA, etc.) the file of “Dubai Sport City”.
He also launched the “3 lords” program in Africa, with the help of mobile telecom operators, to educate young professional African footballers and thus prepare for their retraining (South Africa, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Senegal, Tunisia, Nigeria, etc.). He was Coach of the National Beach Soccer team of Ghana from 2011 to 2013 to qualify the team for the World Championship in Casablanca.
Finally, he worked jointly on two projects, a first study on CSR in the sports industries (Nike, Rip Curl, Decathlon) for the AMOS School of Sports Management in Paris (September 2012) and a study on injuries linked to a poor diet program (lake of vitamins and oligo-elements). Mr. Bardon is a Physico-Chemist engineer (University of Bordeaux โ 1981 completed by a DEA in solar energy). He trained at IBM’s sales school (HEC Paris/New York) and obtained an MBA in business strategy from the University of Nice in 1994. He also completed training cursus in dietetics in 2006. . He has 2 daughters, aged 36 and 38, and 3 grandchildren.
President & CEO, VotreCity
Christian Bardon